For Christmas this year, I had the idea of a photo project to give my family members as a special keepsake. I created a photobook of Family Treasures containing images that I captured while visiting home. The items I photographed hold special value to me and spark memories from my childhood. I chose to use only black and white photos in the finished product, however, below are a small sampling of the photographs in their true, color form.
Our "Family Tree"
My grammy with her siblings
My dad and my mammaw
My grammy and grampy
My mammaw has been a seamstress for as long as I can recall. I was thrilled to photograph a great deal of her sewing materials, as well as a few other items in her home that make me think of her! Some of my earliest memories are those spent at Mammaw's house, eating delicious food she had prepared! The photo at the left is of Mammaw and I at Christmas in 2008!
Mammaw's crossword puzzles...
I will forever love this set of cups and first drink of coffee, EVER, was out of one of these! And her house is still pretty much the ONLY place I'll have a few sips of coffee to this day!
An original, wooden spool of thread!
A small pile of her pretty buttons...there were thousands more!
I have always been mesmerized by Mammaw's handwriting...perhaps this is why I keep it "inked" and always close to me! In this photo, she is writing, "Words of wisdom with love" because we often have conversation in which she gives advice from the heart!
Pictured at the left are my grammy and grampy! Below are a few of the photographs that I took capturing meaningful memories of my grandparents.
My grandparent's home that my family built...I helped to build this house as a young girl so it holds special memories both inside, and out! My grandfather was a carpenter!
My Grammy! Isn't she cute doing what she does best....COOKING! (Baking cookies, to be exact, but she's pretty good at preparing most foods! My mother, grammy and I baked Christmas cookies for nearly 5 hours...NO JOKE! I may post some photos from that "adventure" later!)
My grandma has always made us quilts. I have a gorgeous collection of the quilts she has made me throughout the years, but this one is by far the most meaningful of all! This quilt is made out of my grandfather's shirts...many tears were shed during the opening of this gift!

An old photograph of my grandpa she keeps on her nightstand
The drawer on her antique sewing table that once belonged to her mother
My grandpa's CB radio...his "handle" (or name) on the radio was 191! (See the connection?!?!)
A carpenter's necessities...
and just a few of his many tools of the trade!
Photographs of some of the houses my grandfather built.